GOTHMINISTER : Un nouvel album pour mai prochain

Gothminister 2023

GOTHMINISTER sortira un nouvel album intitulé Pandemonium II: The Battle of the Wunderwolds le 3 mai prochain via AFM Records.

Ce nouvel opus fait suite à l’album Pandemonium sorti en 2022.

Tracklist :

  1. Battle of the Underworlds
  2. We Live Another Day
  3. Creepy Shadows
  4. One Dark Happy Nation
  5. I Am the Devil
  6. The Procession
  7. I Will Drink Your Blood
  8. Aftermath
  9. Tonight
  10. We Are the Heroes
  11. Monostereo Creature
  12. We Come Alive

GOTHMINISTER - We Come Alive (2024) // Official Music Video // AFM Records

GOTHMINISTER - Battle of the Underworlds (2023) // Official Music Video // AFM Records

GOTHMINISTER - I am the Devil (2023) // Official Music Video // AFM Records

Pandemonium ii artwork


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