Un nouvel album pour INSANITY ALERT

News 2018 12 6 insanity alert track premiere e1544101825184 735x400

INSANITY ALERT sortira son nouvel album intitulé 666-Pack le 25 janvier prochain via Season of Mist.

La nouvelle chanson Welcome To Hell est disponble en écoute. 

Tracklist : 

1. Thristkiller
2. The Body of the Christ is the Parasite
3. All Mosh / No Brain
4. Cobra Commander
5. Saturday Grind Fever
6. Echoes of Death
7. Windmilli Vanilli
8. StopSlammertime!
9. Why So Beerious_
10. Mosh Mosh Mosh
11. One-Eye is King (In the Land of the Blind)
12. Welcome to Hell
13. Two Joints
14. Chronic State of Hate
15. I Come / I Fuck Shit up / I Leave
16. A Skullcrushin' Good Time
17. The Ballad of Slayer
18. Demons Get out!
19. 8 Bit Brutality
20. Death By Wrecking Ball
21. Dark Energon

Clip de la chanson All Mosh / No Brain :

Artwork : 

46226428 1971446522943606 4242230487789076480 n 

Insanity Alert

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