Une nouvelle chanson pour Inquisition


Inquisition dévoile une nouvelle chanson intitulée Vortex From The Celestial Flying Throne Of Storms.

Celle-ci figurera sur le nouvel album Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith qui sortira le 26 août chez Season of Mist.

Tracklist : 

01. Intro: The Force Before Darkness
02. From Chaos They Came
03. Wings Of Anu
04. Vortex From The Celestial Flying Throne Of Storms
05. A Black Aeon Shall Cleanse
06. The Flames Of Infinite Blackness Before Creation
07. Mystical Blood
08. Through The Divine Spirit Of Satan A Glorious Universe Is Known
09. Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith
10. Power From The Center Of The Cosmic Black Spiral
11. A Magnificent Crypt Of Stars
12. Outro: The Invocation Of The Absolute, The All, The Satan
13. Coda: Hymn To The Cosmic Zenith

- Vortex From The Celestial Flying Throne Of Storms :

Artwork : 

13254340 1184926444873880 6752331922836028693 n


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